Occupation: 232611 - Urban & Regional Planner
Develops and implements plans and policies for the controlled use of urban and rural land, and advises on economic, environmental and social factors affecting land use.
Skill Level:
The entry requirement for this occupation is a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
Tasks Include:
- compiling and analysing data on economic, legal, political, cultural, demographic, sociological, physical and environmental factors affecting land use
- conferring with government authorities, communities, Architects, social scientists, Legal Professionals, and planning, development and environmental specialists
- devising and recommending use and development of land, and presenting narrative and graphic plans, programs and designs to group and individuals
- advising governments and organisations on urban and regional planning and resource planning
- reviewing and evaluating environmental impact reports
- staying up-to-date with changes in building and zoning codes, regulations and other legal issues
- may serve as mediators in disputes over planning proposals and projects
- may speak at public meetings and appear before government to explain planning proposals
Land Planner
Town Planner
Traffic & Transport Planner