EOI - Australian Visa Expression Of Interest

What is an EOI (Expression Of Interest) ?

If you intend to apply for an Australian Points Tested Skills Visa (GSM) or a Business Skills Visa, you have to first lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI) with the DoHA via SkillSelect

The best candidates will then receive an invitation to apply for a visa

How do you submit an EOI via SkillSelect ?

This is done via SkillsSelect on the DoHA portal.

What does an EOI comprise of ?

When you submit an EOI, you will be asked to submit information about yourself, and your potential points claims

You do not have to submit any documentation, however, you do need reference details for your skills assessment and approved skills assessment

It is absolutely essential that the information you provide in the EOI is accurate. If you receive an invitation to apply for a visa, and the information (claims) you provided in the EOI is not accurate, your application will be refused

Before you submit the EOI, the DoHA platform will show your points total

For a Skills Visa (189, 190 and 489 visa) you will need to provide the following information

  • Your personal details (name, surname, date of birth, citizenship details, residence details)
  • Details of your partner (if applicable)
  • Your nominated occupation (you must have an approved migration skills assessment in place as you will need to provide details of your approved skills assessment(
  • Your work and employment experience
  • English Language proficiency (you will need to provide details of your English test outcome)
  • and if you are applying for a state / territory nomination, you need to select your preference

After you submit your EOI

You can update your information at any time prior to receiving an invitation to apply for a visa

Your EOI will remain in the system for up to 2 years from the date you apply

How do the DoHA issue invites ?

State sponsored applicants: You will receive an immediate invite to apply for your visa when the state approves your sponsorship

189 applicants:

  • There is one invite round per month (11th of each month)
  • The DoHA issue invites based on numerous factors e.g.
    • Quotas (occupation ceilings) are set for each occupation group for the year
    • Points totals (applicants with the highest points will be issued an invitation)
      • For some occupation groups, you need at least 70 or even 75+ points in order to have a realistic chance of receiving an invite
      • Applicants at 65 points (the pass mark) can potentially have a wait of up to 2 years for an invite, and for some occupations, the invite might never materialise ...
      • Applicants at 75 points typically receive an invite within a month (some occupations might need 80 points or more for a speedy invite - our consultants will advise you on your expected wait during our assessment service)

If you applied for a state nominated / sponsored visa 

The states review the EOI's and they select applicants to apply for state sponsorship based on their own set of criteria and occupation lists

The state are under no obligation or requirement to offer sponsorship to you, even if your occupation is on their occupation list

What happens after you receive an invitation to apply ?

You will have 60 days from the date of the invitation to lodge your visa application

When you lodge your application, you will need to provide all your supporting information and evidence to support your points claims

Hints, tips and general advice

  • Age - your age on the day you receive your invite will apply for your application (especially important for those at cut off ages e.g. 32, 39, 44)
  • Can not stress this enough - you have to be absolutely certain of all claims you make in your EOI (we will provide you with detailed advice as it applies to your application during our  assessment service)
  • Make sure you use an email address that you access regularly for all EOI and DoHA matters (and check your spam folder)
  • Carefully check all claims made in the EOI before you submit it
  • If your circumstances change while your EOI is in the system, update your EOI


Your assigned consultant will discuss all of the EOI details, as it applies to your future application with you during our assessment service

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