Senior Managers Skills Assessments

Information for Managers regarding visas and immigration to Australia.

MANAGERS head government, legislative, industrial, commercial, agricultural and other establishments, or departments within these organisations. They determine the policy of the organisation or department, and direct its functioning, through other managers, and coordinate economic, social, technical, legal and other policies.

All occupations in this major group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience is required in addition to the formal qualification.

Tasks performed by managers typically include formulating, administering and reviewing the policy and legislation which determine the direction to be taken by the organisation they head; controlling, directing and participating in the activities of that organisation personally and through a hierarchy of managers and supervisors; establishing operational and administrative procedures; and controlling the selection of senior staff and the allocation of resources. Managers and Administrators are typically associated with the top 3 positions in a large organisation.

AIM Criteria:

The assessing body for managers is the Australian Institute of Management (AIM).

To be successfully assessed as a manager for migration purposes by AIM, applicants must hold a senior management position at the level of an Associate Fellow of AIM. The criteria used is as follows: –

A record of proven management achievement over a period of three or more years or more in a senior management position such as a

  • chief executive
  • general manager or
  • senior functional manager

who delegates authority to several other managers who hold positions requiring the delegation of work to several other positions of a supervisory, technical or skilled nature.

The years of experience may be reduced if the applicant has educational qualifications in management studies or business administration assessed as comparable to an Australian Masters degree, Bachelor degree or RATE diploma, or in a discipline relevant to the field in which the manager is working. AIM would allow one-year credit against required experience for the applicant’s educational qualifications.

  • A critical factor to be considered in assessing a position against the guidelines is whether a person delegate’s authority to other managers who are themselves responsible for planning, organization, decision-making, staffing and control and who in turn delegates to others.
  • To be eligible for the level of an Associate Fellow the applicant would require senior management experience across a diverse range of functional areas, with staff with diverse functional responsibilities and at a management level reporting.
  • He would also be required to have a significant contribution to the strategic development and management of the organization as a whole.
  • For consideration at Associate Fellow level a manager would be required to have a key strategic and leadership role across a diverse range of functional areas.
  • A senior management position is assessed in terms of the scope of operations and such a position would include functions such as strategic planning for the organization, development or operational plans, allocation of staff and preparation of financial plans. It would be involvement in these areas over a number of years that would lead to a manager being recognised as having a position at the senior management level.
  • The criteria for recognition as having skills equivalent of that of an Associate Fellow make it clear that the person must be responsible for a range of organisational functions and to have such responsibilities at a level which is concerned with policy and not just operations. A senior manager at the Associate Fellow level would play a key role in shaping and influencing the development and direction of the organization through establishing objectives, strategies and tactics.

ALL required supporting documentation MUST be included in your application. Any missing or unclear information will delay the assessment of your application.

Applicants are required to provide supporting documentation relating to the various positions held over the past continuous five (5) years, not just current employment. The documentation required is:

1. Detailed position descriptions over the past 3 years showing management responsibilities and accountabilities.

It is preferred that these are official company documents, and they MUST be verified by your immediate superior. A company seal by itself is not sufficient. Documents must be signed. If it is impossible to obtain your immediate supervisor’s signature, please refer to the information listed under the heading “Important”.

2. Brief position descriptions of all subordinate managers reporting directly to the applicant.

It is preferred that these are official company documents, and they MUST be verified by your immediate superior. A company seal by itself is not sufficient, documents must be signed. If it is impossible to obtain your immediate supervisor’s signature, please refer to the information listed under the heading “Important”.

3. Organisation charts showing both upward and downward reporting relationships, and they must include the Chief Executive Officer. The Organisation Charts are to include all positions reporting to your immediate supervisor, as well as the positions reporting to your direct subordinates.

It is preferred that these are official company documents, and they MUST be verified by your immediate superior. A company seal by itself is not sufficient, documents must be signed. If it is impossible to obtain your immediate supervisor’s signature, please refer to the information listed under the heading “Important”.

4. Certified copies of testamurs covering all post secondary qualifications.

5. If possible include letters of appointment and/or promotion, payslips, company reports, etc.

6. In the case of an owner/manager provide details of revenue and staffing levels for each year from date of incorporation. Documents should also include register of directors, shareholders, certificate of incorporation and any other relevant evidence.


Documents will not be returned so we require certified true copies of position descriptions, organisation charts, original educational qualifications and evidence of employment. Documents can be certified by a Commissioner for Oaths, Justice of the Peace, Notary, Lawyer, Registered Migration Agent, Doctor, Bank Manager, CPA, Chartered Accountant or any other official in your home country who is authorised to endorse documents and legal declarations or witness sworn affidavits. The Department of Immigration require a copy of what is submitted to assessing authorities so applicants should retain a copy for such purpose.

All supporting documentation MUST match the information as provided on the application form. This includes, but is not limited to, position titles, organisation names, and the number of subordinate managers and supervisors who directly report to the applicant.

Chief Executive or Managing Director [111111]

To meet the requirements for assessment as CEO/Managing Director for migration purposes, an applicant must:

  • Currently hold, or have held, the most senior management position across the whole organisation over a continuous period at least three years
  • Have proven and successful experience in a top management position at the level of Corporate General Manager or equivalent prior to being appointed to the position of CEO/Managing Director
  • Be the owner of the business; or report directly to the Board of Directors of the business; or report directly to the Head of the Government Department who reports directly to the relevant Minister if the applicant works in the public sector; or be a senior management consultant providing advice to client organisations at Board level
  • Be wholly responsible for implementing strategy and policy across the entire organisation in accordance with organisational objectives determined by the Board of Directors
  • Be responsible for negotiating, planning and implementing decisions related to mergers, acquisitions or the sale of major assets for the entire organisation
  • Be responsible for designing, developing and implementing financial budgets for the whole organisation to achieve the priorities and objectives determined by the Board of Directors
  • Ensure that the organisation structure of the whole organisation is designed to achieve the priorities and objectives determined by the Board of Directors
  • Have the decision making authority to delegate responsibility to the most senior operational manager who would be eligible for assessment as Corporate General Manager under the criteria outlined below

Explanatory Notes:

The positions of both Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director (MD) are defined as the most senior managers in the organisation. The incumbent MUST have the decision making authority across the whole organisation and not just subsidiary divisions or departments of the organisation. In some organisations the CEO/MD may delegate some or all of this decision making authority to a Corporate General Manager, which is reflected in that manager’s Position Description.

Corporate General Manager [111211]

To meet the requirements for assessment as Corporate General Manager for migration purposes, an applicant must:

  • Have, or have held, a proven record of top management experience over a continuous period of at least three years.
  • Have proven and successful experience in a functional area of management prior to being appointed to the position of Corporate General Manager
  • Currently hold the most senior day-to-day operational position within the organisation
  • Report directly to the CEO, Managing Director, Board of Directors or owner of the business; or report directly to the Head of Department if the applicant works in the public sector; or be a senior management consultant providing consultancy advice to client organisations at CEO, Managing Director or Board level.
  • Have delegated authority from the Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director for managing and achieving the organisation’s financial budgets and outcomes
  • Have the decision making authority over a wide range of responsibilities through delegation to three or more subordinate managers who would be eligible for assessment as a senior functional manager under the criteria outlined below:

Senior Functional Manager – this category covers the following positions:

  • Sales and Marketing Manager [131112]
  • Advertising Manager [131113]
  • Public Relations Manager [131114]
  • Human Resource Manager [132311]
  • Engineering Manager [133211]
  • Supply and Distribution Manager [133611]
  • Procurement Manager [133612]

To be assessed as Senior Functional Manager for migration purposes, an applicant must:

  • Have a proven record in a senior functional management position over a continuous period of at least three (3) years, requiring the delegation of authority directly to three or more subordinate managers each of whom hold positions requiring the delegation of work to three or more subordinates in managerial, supervisory or technical positions;
  • Hold the most senior management position within the applicant’s functional area of responsibility within the organisation;
  • Report directly to the Owner of the business, Corporate General Manager, Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director; or report directly to the Department Head if the applicant works within the public sector: or provide consultancy advice as a Senior Management Consultant to client organisations at the level of Corporate General Manager or above;
  • Have the decision making responsibility, through delegation to three or more subordinate managers, for a range of specific responsibilities in the applicant’s functional area;
  • Be wholly responsible for achieving his/her functional responsibilities within the organisation;
  • Have had a proven and successful experience in a broad range of managerial responsibilities prior to being appointed to the top functional position.

For all applications, the years of experience may be reduced if the applicant has qualifications in management studies or business administration assessed as comparable to an Australian Bachelor, Post Graduate or Master degree, or in a discipline relevant to the field in which the manager is working. This applies where the qualification concerned has been completed immediately prior to, or within the relevant time frame of years of management experience being assessed. The Country Education Profiles prepared by the National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition are the basis for an educational assessment.

Explanatory Notes:

To be assessed as a senior manager for migration purposes, the complexity and size of the organisation will influence the assessment. Applicants will require senior management experience over a diverse range of responsibilities including authority over three or more subordinates who are also at managerial level. Senior functional managers would therefore have a high level of discretionary authority.

Senior managers tend to manage departments servicing the overall operations of the organisation and where delegation to several subordinate managers involved in specific but related functions is required. The critical components in applying these criteria are the breadth and depth of the applicant’s own managerial responsibilities and those of the subordinate managers reporting directly to the applicant. An important criterion is that the organisation chart must show that the applicant supervises three or more direct reporting managers.

The criteria for recognition as a senior manager for migration purposes make it clear that the applicant must be responsible for a range of responsibilities at a level which is concerned with the implementation of the organisation’s strategies and policies.

The skills assessment is based upon a review of an entire career history, but with an emphasis on the immediate past three (3) years, and satisfactory evidence is sought of managerial progression through increased authority and responsibility of each position thereby demonstrating a period of sustained success.

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